On Sunday, 26 February, the world-famous Bulgarian clarinetist Ivo Papazov - Ibriyama, together with his Wedding Orchestra "Trakia", will perform for the first time on a club stage in Sofia to celebrate his 70th anniversary with an exclusive concert..
Big Band-ul BNR cu dirijorul Antoni Donchev îl va onora pe unul dintre cei mai importanți muzicieni de jazz bulgari - Milcho Leviev - cu un concert special în această seară (23.02). Evenimentul, dedicat împlinirii a 85 de ani de la nașterea lui Milcho..
En 2023, la Philharmonie de Pleven fête le 70 e anniversaire de sa création par toute une série de concerts dont le premier, sous la baguette de Borislav Yotsov, a marqué le début brillant des événements festifs. A lui seul, ce programme est un..
In 2023 the Pleven Philharmonic is celebrating its 70 th anniversary with a series of concerts, the first of which, conducted by Borislav Yotsov, setting the stage for a superb string of festive events. The programme is an event in itself, as it..
Singer Maria Mutafchieva of Mary Boys Band has a birthday today - she not only celebrates a personal anniversary, but also her 30 years on stage. On this occasion she has invited all friends and fans to a special concert at Bulgaria Concert..
Una dintre cele mai îndrăgite cântărețe și compozitoare - Maria Mutafcieva, ne invită în această seară la un concert. Aniversarea ei personală și cei 30 de ani de activitate pe scena muzicală. Sărbătoarea profesională și personală a lui Mary va fi..
With a world premiere, the Symphony Orchestra of the BNR will open the new year 2023 with the guest conductor Konstantin Dobroikov. In addition to the overture "King Lear" by Hector Berlioz and Symphony No. 40 by Mozart, included in the..
Music from Monk and More , a project by renowned jazz composer and pianist Mario Stantchev, will be performed on 10 January, in one of the Lyon Opera House ’s concert spaces. It will be presented by Mario Stantchev New Bulgarian Trio, featuring..
Un cinéconcert de musique classique de la pianiste Vénéta Neynska sera le premier événement de l’année organisé par l’Institut culturel bulgare à Paris. Le concert se tiendra le 12 janvier dans la galerie de l’institut. Les interprétations de la..
Sofia se prépare une fois de plus à accueillir le Nouvel An avec un concert "Une scène sous les étoiles", organisé par la municipalité de la capitale, après deux ans d'interruption à cause de la pandémie. Outre de grands chanteurs bulgares on pourra..