Bulgaria’s caretaker Foreign Minister Ivan Kondov and his Albanian counterpart Igli Hasani confirmed the firm commitment of the two countries to the accelerated construction of transport Corridor 8. Romania has asked to join the construction..
The Bulgarian national minority in Albania is one of the largest in the country, according to data from the latest official population census. A total of 7,057 individuals identified as Bulgarians. For comparison, 23,000 people identified as Greeks,..
In 2023, the first population census was held in Albania after the official recognition of the Bulgarian national minority in 2017, and 7,057 people identified themselves as Bulgarians. Over 7 thousand Bulgarians live in..
Athens plans to modernise the Greek army by 2030 Greece's Defence Minister Nikos Dendias presented the plan for changes in the army to the parties in parliament. The reforms will cover all three branches of the military. By 2030, 33 units..
24 September marks the establishment of a new Bulgarian association in Albania – Association of Bulgarian Identity – registered in Tirana. Its chairman is Besim Muca. Besim was born in Orjanovo in the region of Golo Bardo where he spent his entire..
Only a few kilometers west of the border between Greece and Albania and some 40 kilometers from the regional center Korçë is the Albanian town of Bilishta (Bilisht in Albanian). A member of the urban intelligentsia there is Lazo Nestori - a..
Grecia recibe el cuarto importe de los casi 1.000 millones de euros del Plan de Recuperación y Sostenibilidad La Comisión Europea ha desembolsado a Grecia el cuarto importe dentro del marco del Plan de Recuperación y Sostenibilidad, que..
Una disputa electoral provocó conflicto entre los partidos gobernantes en Rumanía Dos meses antes de las elecciones presidenciales y parlamentarias en Rumanía los socialdemócratas en el poder y los liberales entraron en una disputa. El motivo..
Partidele din coaliția largă din România se confruntă în ajunul alegerilor Cu două luni înainte de alegerile prezidențiale și parlamentare din România, social-democrații și liberalii aflați la putere au intrat într-o dezbatere aprinsă cu..
Felicito al Comité de Asuntos Exteriores de la Asamblea Nacional por la posición adoptada hacia Macedonia del Norte. Así es como Bulgaria debe abordar este asunto. En ningún caso debemos descender al nivel en el que se desarrollaron los..