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от 15.00 часа
Boryana Kaleyn

Trei medalii de aur și una de argint pentru Kaleyn și Nikolova la finala Cupei Europene de la Baku

Sportivele bulgare au cucerit patru medalii în finalele individuale ale primei ediții a Cupei Europene de gimnastică ritmică de la Baku. Boryana Kaleyn a câștigat aurul la minge și panglică și argintul la cerc, în timp ce Stiliana Nikolova a câștigat..

05.05.24 13:00 |
Stilijana Nikollova

Stilijana Nikollova fitoi Kupën Evropiane në Baku

Stilijana Nikollova fitoi medaljen e artë në garën e gjithanshme në Kupën e parë Evropiane të Gjimnastikës Ritmike të mbajtur në Baku. Borjana Kalejn mbeti e katërta pas pasaktësive në kombinimin me shirit. Gara zhvillohet sipas rregullave të..

04.05.24 15:41 |
Stiliana Nikolova

Stiliana Nikolova a câștigat medalia de aur la Cupa Europeană de gimnastică ritmică de la Baku

Stiliana Nikolova a cucerit medalia de aur în concursul all-around la prima ediție a Cupei Europene de gimnastică ritmică de la Baku. Boryana Kaleyn a rămas pe locul patru după ce a făcut greșeli în exercițiul de la panglică. Competiția se desfășoară..

04.05.24 15:30 |
Stiliana Nikolova

Stiliana Nikolova wins gold medal at the European Rhythmic Gymnastics Cup in Baku

Stiliana Nikolova won the gold medal in the all-around competition at the first European Rhythmic Gymnastics Cup in Baku. Boryana Kaleyn remained fourth after making mistakes in the ribbon routine. The competition is held under new rules,..

04.05.24 15:01 |
Borjana Kalejn

Kalejn dhe Nikollova me vendin e dytë dhe të tretë në kualifikimet e Kupës së Evropës në Baku

Borjana Kalejn përfundoi në vendin e dytë dhe Stilijana Nikollova ishte e treta në kualifikimet e Kupës Evropiane të Gjimnastikës Ritmike në Baku. Më së shumti pikë ka grumbulluar italianja Sofia Raffaelli. Gara zhvillohet për herë të..

04.05.24 12:43 |
Boryana Kaleyn

Boryana Kaleyin and Stiliana Nikolova place second and third in the qualifications of the European Rhythmic Gymnastics Cup

Boryana Kaleyin finished second in the qualifications of the European Rhythmic Gymnastics Cup in Baku (Azerbaijan). Stiliana Nikolova placed third. Sofia Raffaeli (Italy) finished first. The inaugural European Cup in Rhythmic Gymnastics in Baku..

04.05.24 11:53 |
Kiri Kirov

Kiril Kirov qualifies for the 10 m pistol finals at World Cup in Baku

Kiril Kirov entered the men's 10-meter pistol final at the World Shooting Championships in Baku, Azerbaijan, BTA reported. The best Bulgarian shooter for last year gave the fifth result in the qualifications with 582 points, five less than the leader..

03.05.24 17:05 |
The Bulgarian rhythmic gymnastics group in Baku

Three medals for the Bulgarians gymnasts at the World RG Cup finals in Baku

Bulgarian rhythmic gymnasts won a total of three medals at the finals of the Rhythmic Gymnastics World Cup in Baku . Yesterday, Elvira Krasnobaeva won another one – a silver, in the all-around. Elvira Krasnobaeva wins silver medal in the all-around..

21.04.24 21:32 |
Elvira Krasnobaeva in Baku

Elvira Krasnobaeva wins silver medal in the all-around at the World Cup in Baku

A week after the extremely successful World Cup in Rhythmic Gymnastics in Sofia, where Bulgarian gymnasts won a full set of medals in the all-around, the Bulgarian girls finished with one silver medal at Rhythmic Gymnastics World Cup in Baku. In..

21.04.24 09:30 |
Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev and Bulgarian Parliamentary Speaker Zhelyazkov

Azerbaijan is key partner of Bulgaria for boosting energy security and diversification

"Azerbaijan is a key partner of Bulgaria in its efforts to improve energy security and achieve energy diversification on a regional and European scale." This was stated by the Speaker of the Bulgarian National Assembly Rosen Zhelyazkov during his..

04.03.24 10:45 |
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