Nurghiul Salimova a ajuns în semifinalele turneului feminin al Cupei Mondiale de șah de la Baku. Bulgăroaica în vârstă de 20 de ani a învins-o pe rusoaica Polina Șuvalova, care a jucat sub pavilion neutru. Salimova și Shuvalova au făcut schimb de..
Nurgyul Salimowa qualifizierte sich für das Halbfinale des Turniers um den Weltcup im Schach für Damen in Baku. Das ist der größte Erfolg in der Karriere der jungen Großmeisterin. Die 20-jährige Bulgarin aus dem Dorf Kreptcha hat die unter neutralen..
Nurgyul Salimova has qualified for the semifinals of the Women's Chess World Cup in Baku . This has been the biggest success in the career of the young grandmaster. The 20-year-old Bulgarian eliminated Russian Polina Shuvalova...
Bulgarien hat sich auf der VII. Internationalen Konferenz der Sportminister (MINEPS VII) in Baku den Staaten angeschlossen, die den russischen Sport aufgrund des russischen Krieges in der Ukraine boykottierten. In Aserbaidschan wurde eine gemeinsame..
Ditën e diel, më 21 maj, Bullgaria shtoi akoma gjashtë medalje të tjera në shtatë të fituarat në Kampionatin Evropian të Gjimnastikës Ritmike në Baku. Në konkurrencën individuale, kampionia evropiane në shumëgarësh Borjana Kalejn fitoi medaljen e..
Bulgaria added six more medals to the seven won at the European Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships in Baku . In the individual competition, European all-around champion Boryana Kaleyn won silver in the club final and bronze in the hoop. The third in..
The European Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships in Baku has turned into a triumph for the Bulgarian athletes who won the gold medals in all the categories played. First, Boryana Kaleyn won the all-around title in the individual competition, and after..
Le Championnat européen de Gymnastique rythmique/GR/ qui s’est tenu à Baku a été un véritable triomphe des gymnastes bulgares qui ont décroché les médailles d’or dans toutes les catégories. Telle Boryana Kaleyn qui a remporté les médailles dans toutes les..
The Bulgarian rhythmic gymnasts performed great during the last day of the Rhythmic Gymnastics World Cup in Baku, Azerbaijan. Stiliana Nikolova triumphed in the hoop, club and ribbon finals. The other Bulgarian participant,..
Dara Malinova won the bronze medal in the girls' clubs final at the 3rd International AGF Trophy Rhythmic Gymnastics Junior Tournament in Baku, Azerbaijan on Sunday. A peculiarity of the competition is that the gymnasts did not compete for the..