Bulgaria can drill for gas in the Black Sea and you have huge opportunities to overcome the dependence on Russian gas, the vice-president of the international organization "Free Russia" and former Russian Deputy Minister of Energy..
Deben hacer sondeos en el mar Negro, ya que Bulgaria tiene grandes oportunidades de independizarse del gas ruso, aconsejó a través de BNR el vicepresidente de la organización internacional Rusia Libre y ex viceministro de Energía de Rusia, Vladimir..
On June 20, Russia launched airstrikes with missiles and drones against the Ukrainian city of Lviv, as well as Kyiv, and the city of Zaporizhzhia. According to the spokesperson of the "Operational Command South" Nataliya Gumenyuk,..
If you believe Putin, then one day he will come to Bulgaria, civil and political activist Lev Ponomaryov, who lives in Paris says in an interview with the BNR. “With Putin, there is no empathy to people at all. When circumstances allow..
„Als ich aus den USA ankam, wurde ich aufgefordert, meinen Rücktritt bis 10.00 Uhr einzureichen. Meine Familie wurde erwähnt, und auch, dass wenn ich das nicht täte, jemand die 'Enter'-Taste mit irgendwelchen Sachen und Videos drücken würde. Ergo..
In der Nacht wurde in der Ostukraine und in Kiew ein Luftalarm ausgerufen. Alle auf Kiew gerichteten russischen Raketen und Drohnen wurden abgeschossen , berichtet UNIAN. In Odessa konnten 12 von 15 Drohnen abgeschossen werden, die übrigen schlugen..
The Ukrainian armed forces have managed to establish positions on the eastern bank of the Dnieper River in the Kherson region. This is what geolocated footage, published on April 22 by Russian military bloggers, shows, the US-based..
"Retorica nucleară iresponsabilă a Rusiei și amenințarea sa cu desfășurarea de arme nucleare în Belarus sunt inacceptabile", au declarat miniștrii de externe ai G7 în cadrul unei reuniuni care a avut loc în orașul stațiune japonez Karuizawa, potrivit..
REUTERS haber ajansının bildirdiği üzere, G7 ülkeleri Dışişleri Bakanları Rusya’nın “ sorumsuz nükleer söylemini, kabul edilemez ” olarak kınadı ve Çin’i uluslararası toplumun sorumlu bir üyesi olarak hareket etmeye çağırdı. Japonya’nın..
Russian President Putin on Friday signed a bill allowing authorities to issue electronic notices to reservists. The law provides for the creation of an electronic register with the names, addresses and health status of all persons subject to military..