Ukraine and Russia lobbied countries at the United Nations for backing ahead of a vote by the 193 - member General Assembly that the United States declared will “go down in history”, Reuters reports. The General Assembly..
The leaders of the countries of the group of former Eastern Bloc countries (Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Romania and Slovakia) will talk today in Warsaw with the President of the United States Joe Biden...
Durante la noche del 16 de febrero, Rusia lanzó nuevos ataques aéreos principalmente en el oeste y el noreste de Ucrania. Además de los drones iraníes, en los ataques se han disparado 32 misiles de crucero desde buques en el Mar Negro y bombarderos..
U.S. President Joe Biden said he would discuss Ukraine's latest requests for advanced weapons needed to repel Russian attacks. Speaking to reporters, t he US president ruled out sending F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine ...
Sofia has supplied Kyiv with fuel and vital Soviet-era weapons, but had to keep the supplies secret because of pro-Moscow politicians in the government . In the spring of 2022, the Ukrainian army was desperately short of fuel and Soviet ammunition to..
Bulgaristan Dışişleri Bakanlığı ’nın Twitter üzerinden yaptığı paylaşımda, “ Rusya’nın Ukrayna’daki sivil altyapıya yönelik Dnipro ve başka yerlerde, çok sayıda cana mal olan korkunç saldırıları şiddetle kınıyoruz. Bulgaristan, Ukrayna ve..
Bulgaria condemns Russia's appalling attacks against civilian infrastructure in Ukraine, which have claimed many lives in Dnipro and other places. Bulgaria will continue to support Ukraine and its people , a position of the Ministry..
The search and rescue operation amidst the rubble after the Russian missile attack on a 9-storey residential building in the Ukrainian town of Dnipro has been going on for 40 hours. 35 people have been killed, the local authorities say, among them 2..
TASS haber ajansının aktardığı üzere, Vladimir Putin’in bugün saat 12:00’dan 7 Ocak saat 24:00’a kadar Ukrayna’daki savaş mevzilerinde ateşkes emri verdiğini duyurdu. Putin’in imzaladığı ateşkes emrinde “ Çatışmalardan etkilenen bölgelerde çok..
Pe 4 ianuarie 2023, președintele Turciei, Recep Erdogan, va avea convorbiri telefonice cu președintele rus Vladimir Putin și cu președintele Ucrainei, Volodimir Zelenski, a anunțat purtătorul de cuvânt al președintelui turc, Ibrahim Kalin, pentru..