The International Children's Day at New Bulgarian University in Sofia promises to be colorful, cheerful and very entertaining. The students and their professors have prepared the musical "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats" by the composer..
The most desirable destination for higher education for Bulgarian young people is the Netherlands. N ikolay Histanov, manager of "Higher Education Abroad Programs" at Integral Educational Programs, told BNR that in the last 1.2 years the Netherlands..
The number of foreigners studying higher education in Bulgaria is increasing . In the academic year 2021/2022, their number is 16,525, which is 8.2% of all university students in the country. In 2013, their share was twice as small - 4.1%. This is..
On December 8, Bulgarian university students celebrate their holiday for the 119th time now . The idea came from the Minister of Education Prof. Ivan Shishmanov, who in 1897 proposed that the first Higher School in Bulgaria should have "a more special..
For the first time, Amir visited Bulgaria at the age of 4, and today, 14 years later, he is a freshman at the Faculty of Economics at Sofia University "Saint Kliment Ohridski". Why did the young man from Azerbaijan, who graduated with honours from..
54% of university graduates work in positions that do not require higher education. Therefore, training must be linked to the labour market. It is important to build an effective education-science-business connection, Bulgaria's caretaker Minister of..
This year, interest in acquiring higher education abroad has grown by 21% compared to 2021, according to data from the World Education project, BNT reported. "Interest in studying abroad is definitely returning after the pandemic, as there are no..
Bulgaria's Vice President Iliana Yotova has opened the online conference "Bulgarian Voices for Europe" of Bulgarians in Taraclia, Moldova. In the 21st century, Europe is at war again. I want the EU to be a greater leader, to prevent wars, to be a..
University students from Bulgaria and North Macedonia will be able to study free of charge in the higher schools of the neighbouring country . This is stipulated in the Programme for Cooperation in Education signed by Bulgaria's Education Minister..
Resumption of the in-person classes as soon as possible and dropping of the green certificates as of March as a condition for access to the higher schools. This was requested in a position to the Ministers of Health and Education from the National..