Nachdem sich der bulgarische Ministerpräsident Bojko Borissow am Mittwoch dieser Woche mit Bischöfen der Bulgarischen Orthodoxen Kirche traf, wird er heute mit Patriarch Neofit über die Notwendigkeit strengerer Sicherheitsmaßnahmen während der..
Presidenti i Shqipërisë dhe ai i Bullgarisë Ilir Meta dhe Rumen Radev biseduan në Jerusalem dhe ranë dakord se inkurajimi i projekteve për Korridorin Nr. 8 duhet të jenë në qendër të bashkëpunimit mes dy vendeve tona. Meta e falënderoi Radevin për..
The Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Bulgarian embassy in Tel Aviv have warned that public demonstrations are expected in connection with the US decision on Jerusalem’s status as capital of Israel. Bulgarians are advised not to travel to..
The Bulgarian Grand Mufti’s Office expresses concern with the situation in the Middle East after the decision of the US President Donald Trump to recognize Jerusalem as capital of Israel. The Grand Mufti’s Office wrote in a statement that “any decision..
The Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has stated that the status of Jerusalem as a holy city of three monotheistic religions should be decided by Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations leading to an agreement on the final status of the Palestinian..