At an official ceremony in parliament, the Central Election Commission handed President-elect Rumen Radev its decision on the election of President and Vice-President of Bulgaria. Radev commented that in his opinion there was no political crisis in..
After PM Boyko Borissov stated that the ruling GERB party would “not take any part in governance" if its presidential candidate Tsetska Tsacheva loses the presidential runoff, President Rosen Plevneliev commented that a resignation by the government..
In an address on the occasion of the presidential election campaign’s start President Rosen Plevneliev called on candidates to conduct a positive campaign and matter-of-fact debates, and to focus on issues such as the pros and cons regarding the..
Today the future of Bulgaria and Europe is not decided on the battlefield but rather in school classrooms – they also hold the key to problems’ solution. This is what Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev said as he opened the European Commission..
“Independence can only be attained with responsible leadership, with the unity of the entire nation, with patience and rationality,” goes the address of Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev on the occasion of 22 September, Independence Day. The..
Iran is planning the construction of a rail transport corridor via Georgia and regards Bulgaria as a privileged opportunity to implement the project for transport connectivity with Europe. This transpired after a meeting between Bulgarian..
“What people in Europe expect from politicians is to act decisively, to solve and not to deepen the problems,” said President Rosen Plevneliev at the opening of the 12th Arraiolos Group Meeting in Plovdiv. The presidents of Italy, Latvia,..
Bulgaria and the Czech Republic share a common stance on migration and security. The Czech side supports the closedown of the so-called Balkan migration route; it is aware of the challenges that Bulgaria is faced with in protecting the EU outer border..
“The decisive actions of the Bulgarian leaders and of the nation during the 1885 Unification of the Principality of Bulgaria with Eastern Rumelia proved that when Bulgarians unite over a just and worthy cause they are able to forge their national fate..
"Be self-assured, be determined. In recent years sports have grown to be more and more important strategically for any nation and it is vital that we use sports to boost the national pride of Bulgarians. I wish you success, make your dreams come..