A total of 8,012 new coronavirus cases were registered in Bulgaria in the past day as 21.4% of 37,509 tests returned positive result, according to the portal coronavirus.bg. The number of registered patients rose by 2,054 to..
18.3% is the mortality rate among Covid-19 patients treated in hospitals in the country in 2021, compared to 11% in 2020, according to the hospital index. 155,422 patients with coronavirus were hospitalized in 215 medical establishments in..
2 , 181 is the number of coronavirus cases registered in the past day out of 12,838 tests performed in the country, a positivity rate of 17%. 76.8% of the new infections are among the unvaccinated, Single Coronavirus Information Portal data..
There were 4,737 new coronavirus cases in Bulgaria registered in the past day. This is 22.3% of 21,251 tests. The active cases reached 259,629, according to data in the Single Coronavirus Information Portal. There are 6,212..
Los casos de coronavirus disminuyen, se está aproximando el final de la quina ola epidémica, ha declarado ante la cadena televisiva bTV la profesora Iva Jristova, directora del Centro Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Parasitarias. A su..
During the last 24 hours, 8,116 cases of coronavirus have been identified in Bulgaria from 40,735 tests performed , according to data from the National Coronavirus Information Portal . 20% of the tests gave a positive result. 75.5% of newly infected..
Enlasúltimas 24 horas han sido comprobados 8116 casos de coronavirus, tras haber sido llevados a cabo 40 735 pruebas, muestran los datos del Sistema Nacional de Información. El 20% de las pruebas han dado resultado positivo. El 75.5% de los nuevos..
El podcast comienza con el noticiero con las noticias más importantes del día en Bulgaria hasta el momento, incluida la última hora del coronavirus en este país y la previsión meteorológica para mañana, sábado. En la segunda parte, en la sección La..
8,142 is the number of newly registered Covid-19 cases , down from 9,152 a day earlier. 22% of the 37,006 tests performed in the country in the past day have returned positive, 4% down on data from the previous day. 75.6% of the new infections are..
“Cellular immunity acquired by vaccination against Covid-19 protects from all variants of coronavirus,” Prof. Todor Kantardzhiev, health advisor at Sofia municipality said for the BNR, citing prestigious medical journals. “What was being said..