The Moscow Patriarchate will soon appoint a new head of the Russian Church in Sofia to replace Archimandrite Vasian, who was expelled from the country. This is the answer to the letter that the Bulgarian Patriarch and Sofia Metropolitan Neophyte sent to..
“The heroes are around us, they are not just in fairytales! Ukraine is full of heroes, but many of them are dead,” says Bessarabian Bulgarian – screenwriter, film director and director of the International Ethnographic Film Festival OKO...
If Ukraine used the missiles or parts of missiles sent by Bulgaria, they would be used for the defense of its cities, not for attack. This is what Prime Minister Nikolai Denkov commented on the occasion of Moscow's sharp reaction..
The church must remain open, said Bulgaria's Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov regarding the case of the Russian church of Saint Nikolay Mirlikiyski (Nicholas of Myra) in Sofia which was closed by the Russian embassy. The Bulgarian Patriarch has..
After the Russo-Turkish war of 1878, with the Treaty of Berlin, the Bulgarian ethnic land was divided. Northern Dobrudja was handed over to Romania, and Nis and Pirot regions - to Serbia. The Principality of Bulgaria, a vassal of the Ottoman Empire,..
Russia has extended until the end of September its naval exercise in a water area that also includes the Bulgarian economic zone in the Black Sea. This was announced by Bulgaria's Defence Minister Todor Tagarev, according to whom it is a question of..
We cannot rule out a clash between NATO and Russia in the Black Sea, but we seek to avoid escalation. This will depend on Moscow's actions. Russia is constantly provoking NATO, including by expanding the area it controls, Bulgaria’s Minister of..
The government has notified Lukoil Neftohim Bugras that, as of 15 August, the refinery has 30 days to hand over Port Rosenets. Parliament adopts fast-track procedure to terminate Lukoil's concession for Rosenets port PM Denkov: Steps for..
Three suspected spies for Russia in the UK have been arrested and charged in a major national security investigation, the BBC has revealed . The defendants, all Bulgarian nationals, were held in February and have been remanded in custody since...
Russia will halt the delivery of spare parts for military hardware to hostile countries, including Bulgaria. The licences for the repair of Russian/Soviet-made military equipment are being withdrawn. The decision, which affects aviation equipment, is..