Das Hauptquartier einer multinationalen Brigade unter bulgarischem Kommando soll auf bulgarischem Territorium als Reaktion auf die Bedrohung für die Sicherheit des Landes eingerichtet werden , gab der Chef der Verteidigung Admiral Emil Eftimow bekannt...
The headquarters of a multinational brigade under Bulgarian command on our territory will be established in response to security threats, said the Chief of Defense Adm. Emil Eftimov, who together with the Chair of the NATO Military..
Chair of the NATO Military Committee Admiral Rob Bauer has arrived on an official visit to Bulgaria at the invitation of the Chief of Defence Admiral Emil Eftimov . During his visit, Rob Bauer will meet with Minister of Defence Dragomir Zakov..
Kryetari i Komitetit Ushtarak të NATO-s, Adm. Rob Bauer mbërriti për një vizitë zyrtare në Bullgari me ftesë të shefit të mbrojtjes Adm. Emill Eftimov. Gjatë vizitës ai do të takohet edhe me Ministrin e Mbrojtjes Dragomir Zakov. Forcimi i mbrojtjes..
46 Prozent der Bulgaren verfolgen ausführlich die Nachrichten über die Lage in der Ukraine, die internationalen Reaktionen und das Schicksal der Flüchtlinge, ergab eine Umfrage von „Alpha Research“. 38 Prozent geben an, sich für das Thema zu..
46 për qind e bullgarëve çdo ditë e ndjekim lajmet për Ukrainën, reagimet e botës dhe fatin e refugjatëve. 38 për qind thonë se interesohen për temën, 16 për qind – nuk tregojnë interes. Këtë e tregon një sondazh i Agjencisë “Alpha Research”...
46% of Bulgarians follow in detail every day the news about Ukraine, the reactions of the world and the fate of refugees . 38% say they are interested in the topic, 16% are not interested, the results of a survey by Alpha Research show. 25% of..
Bulgariens Präsident Rumen Radew kommentierte in Lissabon, wo er zu einem offiziellen Besuch weilt, die Gefahr einer möglichen -Intervention der NATO im Krieg in der Ukraine. „Das ist eine äußerst heikle Angelegenheit! Wir haben bereits klare Aussagen..
Against the background of the unprovoked war in Ukraine, we learn that Bulgaria is a very strong NATO ally. We continue to work together on many topics related to our common security, the United States Ambassador to Bulgaria Herro Mustafa said in an..
Sofya “Aziz Kliment Ohridski” Üniversitesi bünyesindeki “Akıllı Toplum Yararına Büyük Veriler” Kurumu (GATE) ve “Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov” Savunma Kurumu olmak üzere iki Bulgar bilimsel kuruluş , NATO’nun büyük veriler ve suni zeka alanında yeni..