El programa comienza con las noticias de actualidad nacional, con la última hora del coronavirus en el país y la previsión meteorológica para el martes. Al final del programa, rendimos homenaje a los Próceres de la Ilustración Nacionales cuya fiesta..
The baseline reproduction number that shows the spread of the infection during the pandemic has remained below 1.3 for a second day. On the morning of November 1 it is 1.13. This means that while the spread of the infection continues,..
There have been 1,457 new cases of coronavirus in Bulgaria for a day, according to the portal coronavirus.bg. 8.6% of 16,968 tests returned positive result. 87.51% of the newly infected were non-vaccinated. There are a total of..
Los casos nuevos de Covid−19 registrados en las pasadas 24 horas son 2836, según el Sistema Nacional de Información. De las 32 588 pruebas realizadas, el 8,7%, aproximadamente, ha dado positivo. Se encuentran ingresadas 7880 personas con..
The new cases of Covid-19 registered in Bulgaria for the past day are 2,836, according to the data of the Unified Information Portal. With 32,588 tests were performed, about 8.7% returned positive results. Most new cases are reported in Sofia - 728,..
2836 nouveaux cas de coronavirus ont été dépistés au cours des dernières 24 heures, soit un taux de positivité de 8.7 % sur les 32 588 tests menés. 87.4% des nouveaux infectés n'étaient pas vaccinés. La majorité des nouveaux cas est à Sofia..
Off-site walk-in vaccination centres are once again operating this weekend, the 30 th and 31 st of October, in major regional towns, the Ministry of Health has announced. Besides these centres, people wishing to get vaccinated against..
5,256 is the number of newly registered coronavirus cases out of 53,300 tests performed in this country over the past 24 hours, a positivity rate of around 10%, National Coronavirus Information Portal data show. 154 is the number of..
In the Plovdiv region, the planned operations and hospital admissions will be suspended after the 14-day morbidity of 769 per 100 thousand population was reported. This was announced by the Regional Health Inspectorate after a meeting of the regional..
En las últimas 24 horas han sido comprobados 5.178 casos de coronavirus tras haberse llevado a cabo 49.300 pruebas, indican los datos del Sistema Nacional de Información. El 10.5% de las pruebas han dado resultado positivo. El 87.4% de los nuevos..