The future of public media in the digital era is in the focus of today’s conference in Sofia organized by the Bulgarian National Radio and the Bulgarian National Television. Director General of BNR Alexander Velev, BNT Director General Konstatin..
Many attempts have been made to tell the story of the Bulgarian National Radio but usually, in an effort to present a concise version, we fail to mention some curious details that would sparkle the interest of anyone keen on the history of this..
A record number of one million listeners on a weekly basis has been achieved by the Bulgarian National Radio, the report presented by Director General of the public media, Alexander Velev, at a meeting of the National Council for Electronic Media. He..
The Alarma Punk Jazz Festival, organized by the Bulgarian National Radio, celebrates its 10th anniversary this year. The foundation of the festival is a radio broadcast and a radio host – Tsvetan Tsvetanov: “I have been a radio host for 25..
The Bulgarian National Radio organizes a discussion on the forthcoming Elections to the European Parliament 2019. The vision for the future of the European Union, challenges and political transformations will be discussed in Studio 2 of the national..
In an exclusive interview with the Bulgarian National Radio, President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker gave a high assessment to the Bulgarian presidency of the Council of the EU, saying it was presidency that set positive example...
The Bulgarian National Radio contributes to the development of Bulgaria’s tourism, Director General of BNR Alexander Velev said. Alexander Velev participated at the 5th Annual Meeting of the National Tourism Board. We met with the Ministry of Tourism..
At a ceremony on Thursday night, on the day of the 83rd birthday of the Bulgarian National Radio, for the 18th time, the annual awards were given in the name of the radio's first director, Sirak Skitnik. The grand prize "Sirak Skitnik" for year 2017..
The Bulgarian National Radio Symphony Orchestra has opened its new season in the Bulgaria Hall in Sofia with Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concert No 1 and Symphony No 5 by Shostakovich, under the baton of its new conductor, Mark Kadin. For the first time in..
After a delay of more than six months, the Bulgarian National Radio has signed an agreement with “Musicautor” for the copyright of the songs owned by the company. Thus, the media will be able to use the company's music in all of its 12 programs. Since..