With the introduction of a mandatory green certificate, 35 percent of Bulgarian teachers say they will leave their jobs, warns the trade union "Education" at Podkrepa Confederation of Labour. In an open letter to the health minister about the..
The new cases of Covid-19 registered in Bulgaria for the past day amount to 4,826, according to the National Coronavirus Information Portal . With 30,772 tests were performed, 15.7% returned positive. There are 595 patients in intensive care units...
Los casos nuevos de Covid-19 en las últimas 24 horas suman 4.826, indican los datos del Sistema Nacional de Información. Ha dado positivo el 15.7% de las 30.772 pruebas llevadas a cabo. Se encuetaran en UCI 595 pacientes con Covid-19. Los nuevos..
4,816 is the number of newly registered coronavirus cases in the country over the past 24 hours, 294 more than the previous day , but there is a significant drop in the coronavirus positivity rate – by 8% - due to the surge in the number of tests..
Desde hoy, 21 de octubre, Bulgaria se suma a los países europeos en los que el certificado verde abre las puertas de las instituciones culturales, los grandes centros comerciales, las salas deportivas y los establecimientos gastronómicos. Mientras..
As the green certificate mandate for indoor activities in the country is about to come into effect on 21 October, interest in vaccination against Covid-19 has surged, with queues forming in front of many vaccination centres in the country...
For the second day running the newly registered coronavirus infections in the past day are close to 5,000 in number. 4,957 is the new number of Covid-19 infections reported in the past 24 hours. The coronavirus positivity rate has gone..
« Chacun est libre de prendre des décisions pour sa santé mais les vaccins sont notre unique protection dont nous disposons à l’heure actuelle », a déclaré le président Roumen Radev devant des journalistes à Pernik répondant à une question sur le..
"La situación provocada por el coronavirus se vuelve insostenible. Las nuevas infecciones llegarán a más de 4000 diarias, y para fines de octubre los centros hospitalarios tendrán su capacidad saturada al 100 %". Esto ha augurado en Nova TV Ognyán..
The situation with the coronavirus is uncontrollable. The new cases will reach over 4,000 a day. By the end of the month the capacity of the hospitals will be 100% exhausted. This is what the mathematician from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Ognyan..