3,183 are the new cases of coronavirus registered in Bulgaria for the past 24 hours , which is 144 less infected than on Thursday. 17% are the positive samples from over 18,700 tests, according to the National Coronavirus Information Portal . 85% of..
La ciudad portuaria de Varna y la homónima región ya han pasado a formar parte de la zona roja oscura en términos de incidencia de Covid−19, según ha anunciado en una sesión informativa la Dra. Dochka Mijáylova, directora de la Inspección Regional..
Bulgaria's caretaker Minister of Health Stoycho Katsarov is not considering introducing additional measures to accelerate the vaccination process in the country . Bulgaria is the last in Europe in terms of vaccination rate against Covid-19. Covid..
3,327 are the new cases of coronavirus registered in Bulgaria for the past 24 hours . 17.5% of the 19,059 tests performed returned positive, according to the portal coronavirus.bg. This is 142 cases less than Wednesday and a drop in the percentage of..
Одобриха антигенни тестове за Covid-19 за тестване в училище Единадесет антигенни теста за диагностициране на Covid-19, които могат да се прилагат в училище от самите деца или от медицинските специалисти там. Те са включени в списък, предоставен на..
157 people with Covid-19 have died in the past day, 93% of them were unvaccinated, National Coronavirus Information Portal data show. On Monday the number of deaths was 40. The number of new infections registered over the past 24 hours is 3..
Durante el pasado fin de semana en la región de Lovech (centro norte de Bulgaria) se ha registrado una mortalidad récord por coronavirus, según ha informado el corresponsal de esta emisora nacional en dicha región. La incidencia de Covid–19 en..
En Bulgaria se han registrado cinco subvariantes de la cepa delta de la Covid–19, arrojan los datos del Centro Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Parasitarias. El mayor número de casos de la cepa delta “clásica” se ha registrado en la capital,..
No tightening of the anti-coronavirus measures in the city of Sofia is planned for the time being, though control of their enforcement is to be tightened, the Sofia operational headquarters has decided. Sofia entered the dark-red Covid zone..
Pour le moment un durcissement des mesures sanitaires contre le coronavirus à Sofia n’est pas prévu mai le contrôle sur leur application sera renforcé. C’est ce qu’a décidé la cellule de crise de la capitale. Depuis hier, Sofia est passée dans la..