The editor-in-chief of the "BulgariCА" edition in the USA, Evgeni Veselinov, has received the annual award of Bulgarian Memory Foundation . The award was presented to him personally by the chairman of the foundation, Milen Vrabevski, during a..
„Die USA sind nicht in der Position zu wählen, welche bulgarischen Parteien an der Macht sind. Wir wollen nur, dass so schnell wie möglich eine reguläre Regierung gebildet wird, damit sie mit uns an den Politiken zusammenarbeiten kann, die uns..
The US is no position to choose which Bulgarian parties are in power. We just want a regular government formed as soon as possible so that it could work with us on the policies we care about, the Special Envoy and Coordinator for the..
A post shared over 1,400 times on Facebook claims that Bulgaria has the highest ratio of civil servants-to-population compared to the US and the Netherlands. "USA: 312 million population, 800,000 government employees; NETHERLANDS: 16..
Les 30 et 31 mai Bourgas célèbre par une série d’événements le 120 e anniversaire de l'établissement des relations diplomatiques entre la Bulgarie et les Etats-Unis. A cette occasion, l’ambassadeur des USA en Bulgarie Kenneth Merten se rendra ce 30..
Посланикът на САЩ в България Кенет Мертен се очаква днес в Бургас. С двудневна програма в морския град ще бъдат отбелязани 120 години от дипломатическите отношения между България и американската държава. До Казиното е подредена тематична документална..
Die USA können uns die F-16 nicht als Ersatzplattform zur Verfügung stellen. Sie haben uns nachdrücklich empfohlen, die MiG-29-Kampfflugzeuge weiter zu betreiben. Das gab der geschäftsführende Verteidigungsminister Dimitar Stojanow vor dem..
The Bulgarian embassy in USA is organizing a consular day in Charlotte, North Carolina on 20 May from 9 AM until 5 PM local time at the following address: 8900 Boyd Drive, Matthews NC. On 20 May Bulgarians will be able to submit applications..
D’ici la fin du mois pourrait prendre fin la procédure relative à la demande de révocation du procureur général Ivan Guéchev, a commenté pour la RNB Athanaska Dichéva, membre du CSM. Elle a déclaré qu’après la remise de la proposition des six membres du..
Russia is considering and has a wide variety of different options to respond to Kyiv's attempt to attack the Kremlin with drones, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov announced. He declined to give specific details. Peskov stressed that..