The situation will not improve all of a sudden after 13 May. It will take more months of keeping up very strict measures of isolation and of vigilance when we travel or go inside a shop, and avoid gathering in groups. In mid-May or the end of..
United Against COVID-19 Fund that was launched by the US Embassy in Sofia together with America for Bulgaria Foundation, American Chamber of Commerce and the Bulgarian Donors Forum, has already raised over 800,000 BGN (about 400,000 euros), to be..
The National Headquarters for the fight against Covid-19 has reported 30 new cases of infection and a total number of 611 confirmed cases in this country by 08:00 on Thursday. 341 of the patients are men and 270 are women. 33 of the infected are medical..
According to 70% of Bulgarians, Bulgaria was not late in introducing the measures against the spread of Covid-19, while 67% believe that European countries were late. This is indicated by a survey of the Trend News Agency, commissioned by the 24..
The state has been making great efforts to preserve the viability of hospitals in the face of the epidemic so that they can take the brunt of its larger-scale expansion. So far Bulgaria has been managing to control the spread of the virus, and the..
A poll by the Faculty of Philosophy at Sofia University shows that the state of emergency caused by the coronavirus crisis in Bulgaria is of the utmost concern to young people. The group of those under 29 has been experiencing the highest levels of..
In the period January 28 to April 5, a total of 15,899 COVID-19 tests were performed in Bulgarian laboratories, the Ministry of Health announced. As of April 6, two new laboratories will start operating in Sofia and the total number of official..
60,000 businesses have stopped working because of the crisis. Only 228 of them requested assistance under the scheme that provides for 60% of the salaries of the staff to be paid by the state and 40% by the employers. The Association of Bulgarian..
One of the two largest trade unions in Bulgaria, CITUB, estimates that the number of unemployed in Bulgaria could reach about 330,000 people by the end of 2020. This represents a rise in unemployment of about 4% annually. From a level of 5.9% at..
We are still at the beginning of the epidemic, Prof. Kosta Kostov, Coordinator of the Medical Expert Council with the Bulgarian Government, told the Bulgarian National Radio. The expectation is that the COVID -19 infection curve will not be steep...