Mandatory wearing of protective masks revoked Because of lack of public consensus, Health Minister Kiril Ananiev has canceled the order for mandatory wearing of protective masks in open and closed public places. "We strongly recommend that..
The Council for Tripartite Cooperation has discussed the government's proposals for compensations of businesses during the COVID-19 crisis at an online meeting . The epidemic has hit sectors such as the hotel and restaurant industry, manufacturing,..
There are 22 new confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus, totaling 242 cases for the whole country, as 40 of the infected persons are under hospital treatment. This was announced at the regular evening briefing by the head of the National Crisis..
The Bulgarian National Radio has launched today a campaign for emotional support in times of an emergency situation in the country. T he goal is to help people now in social isolation encourage each other to abide by the restrictions imposed by the..
More than 80 British tourists who arrived in Sofia from Bansko ski resort yesterday after quarantine was declared in the town, remain isolated in two hotels in the Bulgarian capital city. It is expected that today they will take off with a special..
The flu epidemic in Bulgaria has been spreading and reached the capital city of Sofia. An influenza epidemic has been announced by order of the head of the Sofia Regional Health Inspection on January 27 on the territory of Sofia-city district...
The Hong Kong flu virus is making an unexpectedly early start in the EU as well as in Bulgaria, Chief Health Inspector Dr. Angel Kunchev said. He added that it was a normal flu epidemic for the season, inasmuch as any epidemic caused by this virus..