Bulgaria's Commission for the Protection of Competition has imposed a fine on Lukoil-Bulgaria and Lukoil Neftohim Burgas" of over 82 million euros due to their monopoly position on the fuel storage market. In order to preserve their monopoly, for..
Lukoil Litasco has moved its entire economic activity to Bulgaria, interim Transport Minister Hristo Aleksiev confirmed in Parliament. "It already pays taxes here, and it will pay taxes in Bulgaria next year," he said. The minister said the..
The budget committee of the Bulgarian parliament has not approved the ban on export of refined petroleum products from Russian crude oil. The measure was approved by the energy committee. MP Yordan Tsonev of the Movement for Rights..
The possibility of having the "Lukoil Neftohim Burgas" refinery under state control is being considered after it became known that the Italian government had taken control over the management of Lukoil's refinery in Italy to serve..
Bulgarian lawmakers voted at first reading in the parliamentary Energy Committee the proposal of the Movement for Rights and Freedoms to ban the export of oil products from Russia. European Commission fears Lukoil will export Russian fuels from..
The European Commission is holding talks with the Bulgarian government due to concerns that refined Lukoil products may be exported from our country , EC spokesperson Daniel Ferrie announced. "Actually, Bulgaria enjoys a special derogation from the..
The caretaker government will lift the ban on the export of fuels, derived from Russian oil, by the Lukoil refinery in Burgas. This draft decision has been published for public discussion. The draft has been signed by caretaker Prime Minister..
The Commission on Protection of Competition has ascertained Lukoil Bulgaria has committed abuse of dominant position on the market in wholesale fuel trading. According to the Commission, the company put a price squeeze on rivals by changing the..
There are people who will not be able to survive this winter in Bulgaria, said interim government spokesman Anton Koutev, referring to energy prices. "This winter will be about human lives - heating, fuel and prices of all other products..
Representatives of Bulgaria's caretaker cabinet and of Lukoil have identified measures to secure the fuel market in view of the ongoing oil embargo which the EU imposed on Russia. This was announced by the president of the Russian company, Vadim..