Бетонните блокове на ВиК по бул. „Стефан Стамболов“ се преобразяват от графити художника Иван Янков Esteo. Общата площ, на която художникът работи надхвърля 100 кв. метра. Две различни композиции ще бъдат изобразени на двете съоръжения, като..
Twenty artists will take part in the Lucky Hunt Sofia Graffiti Festival on September 14 and 15. They will spray over 1000 square metres in Sofia. The event is dedicated to pets and classic cars, say the organisers - the Sofia Graffiti Tour team in..
Romanian artist Saddo has been invited to participate in the second Balkan edition of the Pictoplasma festival for contemporary art, design and illustration, which will take place from September 6 to 8 in Bulgaria's Varna . Raul Oprea better..
Arkada kalan 2023 yılının son günlerinde ülkemizde en iyi grafiti sanatçılarından biri olan Nasimo ve “Fine Graff Art” ekibi, facebook sayfası üzerinden yaptıkları açıklamada son dönemde reprodüksiyonlarından aldıkları tüm gelirleri ve karşılıksız..
In the last days of the past year 2023, one of the best graffiti artists in Bulgaria, Nasimo, and his Fine Graff Art team announced on their FB page their decision to donate all newly received income from reproductions and their free work to..
The history of graffiti and street art in Sofia from the 1990s to today can be found in the book "Sofia Urban Art". Its official launch will be on December 21 at the regional center for contemporary arts Toplocentrala in Sofia. This was..
Küçük Staro J elezare köyünde dünyanın ilk köy sokak sanatı müzesi kapılarını açtı. Sergide, 2013'ten bu yana Staro J elezare'deki StreetArt F estivallerinde çekilen orijinal fotoğraflardan oluşan renkli panolar yer alıyor. Sergi..
Il y a quelques jours, le premier Musée du street art situé à la campagne a ouvert ses portes à Staro Jélézaré, au pied de la montagne Sredna Gora. La collection est composée de panneaux photographiques et de clichés pris pendant les éditions annuelles..
The first village museum of street art in the world opened doors a few days ago in Staro Zhelezare, a small village near Plovdiv. The exposition features original photographs taken during the StreetArt festival in Staro Zhelezare since 2013. The..
Преди дни, в малкото средногорско селце Старо Железаре отвори врати първият селски Музей на уличното изкуство в света. Експозицията включва цветни пана с оригинални снимки, направени по време на фестивалите Street Art в Старо Железаре от 2013..