Natural gas prices are expected to decrease by around 2% in September, according to a forecast by Bulgargaz. This is clear from the request submitted to the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (EWRC). The company informs that next month, the..
Εκπρόσωποι της Bulgargaz και της τουρκικής εταιρείας Botash πραγματοποίησαν ακόμη έναν γύρο διαπραγματεύσεων στη Σόφια σχετικά με τη συμφωνία που συνήφθη μεταξύ των δύο εμπορικών εταιρειών. Με Απόφαση της Εθνοσυνέλευσης ανατέθηκε στον Υπουργό Ενέργειας..
“Bulgargaz” ve Türkiye “Botaş” şirketleri heyetleri Sofya’da bir araya gelerek, iki holding arasında imzalanan anlaşmanın detaylarını istişare etti. Halk Meclisi’nin kararı ile “Bulgargaz” şirketinin mali istikrarı ve çıkarlarını savunmak..
Përfaqësuesit e "Bulgargaz" dhe kompanisë turke "Botash" zhvilluan një raund tjetër negociatash në Sofje për marrëveshjen e lidhur mes dy kompanive tregtare. Bisedimet zhvillohet në lidhje me vendimin e Kuvendit Popullor, me të cilin ministri i..
Vertreter des bulgarischen Gasversorgers Bulgargaz und des türkischen Unternehmens BOTAŞ haben in Sofia eine weitere Verhandlungsrunde über den Vertrag zwischen beiden Unternehmen abgehalten. Das Parlament hatte den Energieminister beauftragt, den..
Representantes de Bulgargaz y de la empresa turca Botas han celebrado en Sofía otra ronda de negociaciones sobre el Acuerdo entre ambas empresas. En relación con la decisión de la Asamblea Nacional, que encomendó al ministro de Energía la tarea de..
Representatives of Bulgargaz and the Turkish company BOTAŞ held another round of negotiations in Sofia regarding the agreement between the two companies. Earlier, the National Assembly mandated the Minister of Energy to renegotiate the agreement in order..
Representatives of the Turkish energy company BOTAŞ are coming to Bulgaria for negotiations with Bulgargaz regarding Bulgaria's request to review the agreement between the two companies. This was one of the topics discussed by Bulgaria’s Minister of..
The European Public Prosecutor's Office is investigating the offices of Bulgartransgaz in Sofia. Police have secured access to the headquarters of the gas operator. There is no official information from Bulgartransgaz and Brussels about the inspection,..
Çarşamba günü Bulgaristan Enerji Bakanı Vladimir Malinov ve Türkiye Enerji ve Tabi Kaynaklar Bakanı Alparslan Bayraktar İstanbul’da bir araya gelerek, “Botaş” ile anlaşmanın yeniden müzakere edilmesi için yeni görüşme turunu başlattı...