En los primeros años de la democracia, una familia de la ciudad de Plovdiv se trasladó a Chicago para fundar un negocio relacionado con la sensibilidad más refinada no sólo de los dedos, sino también del alma humana. Porque la lutería, que es como se..
A few years after Bulgaria's socialist regime fell, a Plovdiv family relocated to Chicago to establish a business centered on a craft that not only resonates through fingertips but also reaches deep into one's heart. Luthiery, the art of crafting..
For the second year in a row, one of Chicago's most iconic buildings will be lit up in the colours of the Bulgarian national flag on March 3 - Liberation Day. The initiative to illuminate the antennas of the Willis Tower, the third tallest..
Anfang Januar dieses Jahres wurde eine Bulgarin im Rahmen der „2023 Gazellies: Annual Comedy Awards Show“ – der jährlichen Auszeichnung für Stand-up-Comedians - des Chicagoer Magazins „The Comedy Gazelle“ zur „Besten Chicago-Produzentin des Jahres..
For yet another year, Bulgarians living in Chicago will pay tribute and bow their heads before the feat and work of Bulgaria's national hero Vasil Levski on the 151st anniversary of his heroic death. On February 18, a t 12:00 p.m. local time,..
A principios de enero de este año, una mujer búlgara fue "coronada" como la "Mejor productora de comedia de Chicago de 2023" (Best Chicago Producer of 2023) durante "The 2023 Gazellies: Annual Comedy Awards Show" , los premios anuales para..
At the beginning of January this year, a Bulgarian lady was “crowned” Best Chicago Producer of 2023 at The 2023 Gazellies: Annual Comedy Awards Show – the annual stand-up comedy awards of the Chicago magazine The Comedy Gazelle . And before..
La începutul lunii ianuarie a acestui an, o bulgăroaică a fost "încoronată" "Cel mai bun producător de comedie din Chicago pentru anul 2023" în cadrul Premiilor anuale pentru comedianți stand-up ale revistei "The Comedy Gazelle" din Chicago. "Mulțumesc..
The Nativity of Christ is the holiday that at the end of every year gathers young and old alike in Bulgarian schools abroad. And social networks make it possible for us to see what and how the children of our compatriots have learned in the Bulgarian..
A women's charity party kicked off the Christmas holidays in Chicago, the Bulgarian Association of Chicago announced. The event, organised jointly with the Bulgarica Cultural Centre, raised nearly 7 thousand dollars. Part of the funds will be sent to..