A Bulgarian Christmas tree has once again been decorated at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago as part of the museum's 80th traditional Christmas Around the World initiative. The museum is the largest science museum in the western hemisphere,..
The American University in Bulgaria (AUBG) is celebrating the 120th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and the United States with an exhibition of works by Bulgarian artists living across the ocean ...
Bulgarian artists living in America are presenting Bulgaria in Chicago at the international celebration of cultures - Mount Prospect Celebration of Cultures 2023. We learn about the event from the cultural center "Bulgarica", which has been operating..
Die bulgarische Nummer 1 bei den Damen, Viktoria Tomowa, hat sich für die zweite Runde des mit 115.000 Dollar dotierten WTA-125-Turniers in Chicago (USA) qualifiziert. In der zweiten Runde könnte sie auf die an Nummer vier gesetzte Alizé Cornet..
Bulgaria’s top female tennis player Viktoriya Tomova has qualified for the second round of the WTA Chicago Women's Open , with USD 115,000 in prize money. Tennis: Grigor Dimitrov and Viktoriya Tomova climb up in world rankings..
Victoria Tomova, la actual número 1 en el ranking femenino búlgaro, ha avanzado a la segunda ronda del torneo WTA 125 en Chicago, Estados Unidos, el cual tiene una bolsa de premios de 115.000 dólares. Inicialmente, Tomova estaba programada para..
Thousands of Bulgarians in Chicago joined the Bulgaria Parade marking, in advance, 24 May, the day of Cyril and Methodius, the Bulgarian alphabet, Bulgarian enlightenment and culture, Bulgaria’s consul general in Chicago Svetoslav Stankov told..
37 ensembles from 14 U.S. states and 7 dance groups from Canada will participate in the largest Bulgarian folklore festival in North America - "Verea". Its 13th edition starts on April 27 with a screening of the film "Kaval Park", but..
Field Museum din Chicago va deschide pe 31 martie prima expoziție internațională care va urmări dezvoltarea unora dintre primele comunități agricole din sud-estul Europei până la apariția regatelor tribale și a monarhiilor, a anunțat Muzeul Național de..
On March 31, The Field Museum in Chicago opens the first international exhibition of its kind, tracing the development of some of the earliest agricultural communities in Southeastern Europe to the emergence of tribal kingdoms and..