Le 31 mars au "The Field Museum" à Chicago sera inaugurée une exposition internationale retraçant l'histoire des communautés agricoles les plus anciennes d'Europe du Sud-Est jusqu'à l'apparition des premiers royaumes tribaux et des monarchies, annonce le..
On March 7, the Illinois Senate will vote on a resolution to declare March 2023 as Bulgarian American Heritage Month , reported BNR correspondent in Chicago Elena Tsaneva. The Senate congratulates the people of the Republic of Bulgaria as they celebrate..
The 150th death anniversary of Vasil Levski was marked at the Bulgarian Embassy in Japan, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said. Members of the Bulgarian community in Japan and friends of Bulgaria attended the event. Japanese students studying..
Bulgaria’s consul general in Chicago Svetoslav Stankov and Prof. Samuel Refetoff were guest lecturers at a discussion called Light among Darkness marking the 80 th anniversary since the rescue of the Bulgarian Jews during World War II...
The Bulgarian businessman Mihail Mihailov, who is based in Chicago, has bought one of the mortgages of the church of St. Ivan Rilski, reported BG Voice. The temple owes $370,000 to two banks that are suing the church for bankruptcy. Mihailov..
Vor drei Jahren wurde die Wohltätigkeitsinitiative „Weihnachten für Großmutter" ins Leben gerufen, die immer größeren Anklang findet und Hunderte bulgarische Kinder inspiriert, älteren Menschen in Seniorenheimen etwas Freude und Wärme zu schenken...
The charity initiative "Koleda za Baba" (“Christmas for Grandma”) was launched three years ago and it keeps gaining more and more attention and inspiring hundreds of Bulgarian children who want to give some joy and warmth to the..
Le Musée de la Science et l’Industrie à Chicago est une des plus grandes salles d’exposition au monde avec ses plus de 35 000 objets de collection. Cette année encore, il fait honneur à une jolie tradition qui a 80 ans, à savoir la décoration des..
The Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago is one of the largest of its kind in the world, with over 35,000 exhibits. This year marks 8 decades since the beginning of a beautiful tradition there – decorating Christmas trees, as..
Das „Museum of Science and Industry“ in Chicago ist mit über 35.000 Exponaten weltweit eines der größten seiner Art. In diesem Jahr werden 8 Jahrzehnte seit dem Beginn einer schönen Tradition vermerkt, nämlich des Schmückens von Weihnachtsbäumen, wobei..