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от 07.00 часа

Universitatea de Economie Națională și Mondială este singura universitate economică bulgară în clasamentul QS World University

Universitatea de Economie Națională și Mondială este singura universitate economică dintre cele patru universități bulgare prezente în prestigiosul clasament al universităților europene QS World University Rankings, a anunțat centrul de presă al..

26.07.24 14:15 |

Bulgarian cuisine 14th in TasteAtlas European national cuisines rating

Bulgarian cuisine is ranked 14 th out of all national cuisines in Europe in the prestigious TasteAtlas rankings, BNR-Varna reports. The cuisines are rated every year on the basis of points given by the website’s users. Bulgaria is given an average..

22.06.24 17:55 |

Fitch confirma el rating crediticio estable del Banco Búlgaro de Desarrollo

La agencia internacional de calificación crediticia Fitch Ratings confirmó la calificación a largo plazo del Banco Búlgaro de Desarrollo (BBD) tras la revisión realizada el mes pasado, anunció el banco. La calificación "BBB" con perspectiva positiva..

09.08.23 08:30 |

Freedom House does not report decline or progress of democracy in Bulgaria

Bulgaria has been assessed as unable to change in the past year. In its ranking, the organization Freedom House places Bulgaria for yet another year in the category of countries with "permanent instability" and rated it as a "semi-consolidated..

24.05.23 11:51 |

Moody’s: Adoptarea monedei euro ar putea fi amânată în Bulgaria cu un an

Agenția internațională de rating Moody's a confirmat ratingul pe termen lung al Bulgariei în valută străină și locală Baa1 cu o perspectivă stabilă, a anunțat Ministerul Finanțelor de la Sofia Potrivit agenției, Bulgaria încă își poate îndeplini..

06.02.23 09:10 |

Bulgaria's PM Borissov: We support the economy despite the pandemic

Bulgaria's Prime Minister Boyko Borissov has written on his Facebook account that world experts refute the theses of his political opponents about an imminent bankruptcy of the country . "We manage to support the economy and the finances, despite the..

28.11.20 17:07 |

Moody’s raises Bulgaria's the long-term rating

Moody's has raised Bulgaria's long-term foreign and local currency rating to Baa1 with a stable outlook , Prime Minister Boyko Borissov announced on his Facebook page. According to him, this is due to the progress of Bulgaria in joining the Eurozone and..

10.10.20 13:49 |

Moody´s elevó el rating a largo plazo de Bulgaria

La Agencia Moody´s elevó el rating a largo plazo de Bulgaria en moneda extranjera y local a “Baa1 con perspectiva estable”, publicó en su cuenta de Facebook el primer ministro búlgaro, Boyko Borisov. En su opinión, esto se debe al adelanto del país en..

10.10.20 12:01 |

S&P upgrades rating of Bulgaria

Standard & Poor's have upgraded Bulgaria's long-term and short-term credit rating in foreign and local currencies to "BBB- / A-3" from "BB + / B".  The raised rating reflects strengthening of the country's external position as a result of the prolonged..

02.12.17 13:50 |
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