Lubo Kirov y Mihaela Marinova, dos nombres estelares de dos generaciones de la música búlgara, se vuelven a reencontrar. La primera vez que les escuchamos juntos fue en 2020, en una versión a dúo de la ya exitosa canción de Lubo Kirov "Puedo" (en..
Lubo Kirov își va încheia "Turneul 2023" de super succes cu trei mari concerte în prima sală a NDK - pe 8, 9 și 10 noiembrie. Acestea vor fi punctul culminant al maratonului de concerte, la care au participat peste 12 mii de oameni. Datorită sălilor..
Lubo Kirov will conclude his "Tour 2023" with three shows in Hall 1 of the National Palace of Culture (NDK) - on November 8, 9 and 10. They will be the climax of a concert marathon attended by more than 12,000 people. He has sold out concert halls in..
Lubo K irov , “süper başarılı” olarak nitelendirilen 2023 turnesini Sofya’da, NDK’nın 1 Nolu salonunda 8, 9 ve 10 Kasım tarihlerinde vereceği üç büyük konserle tamamlayacak . Böylece 12 binden çok kişinin ziyaret ettiği konser maratonu zirveye..
On September 17, the Bulgarian Orthodox Church honors the holy martyrs Faith, Hope and Love and their mother Sofia, and on this day the capital of Bulgaria also celebrates its feast day. Today's festivities begins with a solemn water service and..
A remake of a popular Bulgarian song has already become a music hit of the Summer 2023! The idea for a remake of “Ima li Tsvetya/ Are There Flowers”, which was created two decades ago, was born as a result of the friendship between MORENO and Lubo..
His concerts are among the three best-selling music events in Bulgaria for 2022. His album "Kiss Me" was the best selling album of 2022 in this country. His song "There is No Way Anymore", performed jointly with DARA, was very successful. Bulgaria’s..
Am Welttheatertag wurden im Nationaltheater „Iwan Wasow“ in Sofia die nationalen Preise für darstellende Kunst „Ikarus“ verliehen . Die Inszenierung „Orpheus“ am Nationaltheater des slowenischen Regisseurs Jernej Lorenzi wurde mit gleich drei..
Both are contemporary singing celebrities , albeit from different generations. We first saw them together when they were coaches in the reality show "The Voice of Bulgaria". Recently, Forbes magazine put them at the top of the "70 biggest Bulgarian..
In 2022 we mark the 120 t h anniversary of Berkovitsa Brass Band . The orchestra is the successor of the first enthusiasts who formed a brass band in 1902. For more than a century, the brass band underwent a number of changes. In 1992 it was named..