Megalitos, dólmenes primitivos, gigantes de piedra antropomorfos salidos de los cuentos de hadas, aunque todavía escondidos en la tierra, intactos por las hordas de turistas. Así es como, en su segundo libro, Nikolay Ninov presenta más..
Bienvenue au royaume des mégalithes, dolmens et autres géants anthropomorphes de la préhistoire. Sortis tout droit des contes et pourtant bien à l’abri, enfouis dans le sol, à l’écart des ruées de touristes pourchassant l’inédit, l’insolite et..
In late January I had the pleasure of working with a team of the largest French public television - France 2 on two Bulgarian topics. The reportages about Bulgaria’s textile industry as a provider to big brands and about Bansko as a..
A finales de enero tuve el placer de trabajar unos días con un equipo de la France 2, la televisión pública francesa más grande, en dos reportajes sobre Bulgaria: el primero , referente a la industria búlgara de la ropa como proveedora de las..
“Los Búlgaros”, con título en inglés “The Bulgarians”, es un cuento fotográfico bilingüe. Predominan en el mismo los matices del color gris posiblemente para evitar la acusación de una denigración excesiva o, no lo quiera Dios, presentar en blanco y..
« The Bulgarians » /Les Bulgares/, tel est le titre d’un récit bilingue en photos, dominé par les nuances du gris, peut-être pour éviter les accusations trop dénigrantes ou encore pire, la représentation en noir et blanc de nos compatriotes,..
Në lidhje me përvjetorin e saj të 80-të “Radio Bullgaria” ju ofron që çdo muaj të votoni për muzikë nga Bullgaria. Ndër pjesëmarrësit që do të votojnë për këngën fituese do të zgjidhen me short tre veta, të cilat do të fitojnë CD me muzikën në gjininë..
Roberto Fonseca prend la place de Ruben Gonzalez dans les derniers tours des légendes de la Havane, bien qu'il puisse être leur petit-fils. Ayant grandi dans une famille de musiciens à l’âge de six ans il remplace ses tambours favoris avec le..
The Mutafchiev family has been producing authentic Bulgarian goat’s cheese since 2009. They make only white brine goat’s cheese, rather than crottin de chevre (small round molded cheese made from goat’s milk) of the Corsican semi-dry goat cheese. Mrs...
One of the secrets of the remarkable longevity of jazz is its exchange with traditional music. Its other secret is indisputably its improvisation nature. Both secrets were unveiled to the audience of Studio No. 2 of the Bulgarian National Radio by..
The Kukeri Festival in Shiroka Laka, traditionally held on the first Sunday of March, marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring. Accompanied by..
Household electricity prices will not go up with the planned liberalization of the electricity market for household consumers as of 1 July this year,..
Twenty-five children and young people who survived kidnapping by the terrorists from Hamas in the tunnels under Gaza, or whose parents are still held..
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