Sivjet mbushen 140 vjet nga lindja e njërit prej poetëve më të respektuar bullgar Pejo Javorov. Fati i tij dramatik shpesh provokon kureshtjen e publikut të gjerë, ndërsa për adhuruesit e letërsisë, dhe më në veçanti, të poezisë jeta e tij mbetet..
Bir insanın hayatını birkaç satıra sığıdırmak zordur. Ancak Bulgaristan’ın en eski medyası söz konusu olunca onun çok katmanlı tarihini kısa bir röportajda toplamak neredeyse imkansız. 82 yıllık tarihinde Bulgaristan Radyosunun anlatacağı çok şey..
Il est difficile de faire tenir une vie dans quelques mots ou de la décrire en quelques lignes. Et cela est d’autant plus vrai lorsqu’on a affaire à l’un des plus anciens médias bulgares. Il est impossible de faire entrer son histoire dans le..
Galin Stoev është një nga regjisorët bullgarë, të cilët u afirmuan edhe përtej kufijve. Pas një konkursi u zgjodh drejtori i Teatrit Kombëtar në Tuluzë. Tashmë 26 vjet ai punon si artist dhe regjisor teatror jo vetëm në Bullgari, por grumbullon..
Nous marquons en 2018 le 140e anniversaire de la naissance d’un des poètes les plus chéris des Bulgares, Peyo Yavorov, qui fascine toujours les âmes vagabondes. Son destin tragique éveille toujours l’intérêt du public, mais les amateurs de poésie..
Not long ago we marked 140 years since the birth of Peyo Yavorov, one of Bulgaria’s best loved poets. His dramatic fate has always been at the focus of public attention; for the lovers of literature and most of all of poetry, his life is a..
Galin Stoev, un des metteurs en scène bulgares connu à l’étranger a été nommé à la tête du Théâtre National de Toulouse. Cela fait 26 ans qu’il joue et met en scène des pièces et pas qu’en Bulgarie. On peut dire de lui qu’il fourbit ses armes sur les..
Galin Stoev, one of the renowned Bulgarian theatre directors abroad, is the new head of the National Theater in Toulouse. For 26 years he has been working as an actor and theater director not only in Bulgaria, but has also gained experience on..
Desde el 1 de enero de este año, el Teatro Nacional de la ciudad francesa de Tolouse tiene un nuevo director, el búlgaro Galin Stoev. Desde hace 26 años Stóev viene manifestándose como actor y director tanto en Bulgaria, como en escenarios de Inglaterra,..
The Bulgarian St Stephen Church in Istanbul (also known as the Bulgarian Iron Church), associated with the fight for church independence that started back in the 1930’s and the 1940’s, is the world’s only iron Orthodox Church. It is 20 meters tall,..
Citizens who cross at a pedestrian crossing while holding a mobile phone will be fined, according to proposed legislative changes. According to..
Yoana Ilieva won silver at the Heraklion Women's Individual Sabre World Cup. At the end of last year, she won bronze at the Women’s Sabre Grand Prix in..
An official ceremony and a March of Tolerance named ''We Remember'' took place in Sofia to mark the 82nd anniversary of the rescue of Bulgarian..
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