Podcast in English

author: Gergana Mancheva

More than 100 years of Bulgarian migration outside Europe have not erased memory of the Motherland

There is continuity between the old and new Bulgarian emigration around the world and regardless whether the emigrants are in Africa, South America, Asia or North America, Bulgarian compatriots stay united around their schools and the..

19.06.23 14:35 |

Economia Bulgariei se bazează pe elevi ca forță de muncă

115 milioane de copii la nivel global sunt angajați în munci grele, copiii sunt forța motrice în industrii cu profituri mari, cum ar fi prelucrarea metalelor, construcțiile, textilele, fabricarea de baterii pentru mașini electrice, indică datele..

14.06.23 15:00 |

Bulgaria’s economy relies on schoolgoers as a labour force

115 million children globally are engaged in hard work, children are the driving force in high-profit industries such as metalworking, construction, textiles, electric car battery manufacture, indicate International Labour Organization (ILO) data. The..

14.06.23 11:19 |

Broderie și pace între cei dragi - iată ce a făcut-o pe Jasmina Atanasova să se întoarcă în Bulgaria

Se știe că în timpul pandemiei Covid-19 mulți bulgari au ales să se întoarcă în țara lor natală. Totuși, câți dintre ei și dacă vor rămâne definitiv în Bulgaria după încheierea crizei - nu avem cum să știm, deoarece nu există statistici. Povestea..

12.06.23 11:45 |

Bulgarian embroideries and the comfort of near and dear brought Jasmina Atanasova back to Bulgaria

Many Bulgarians returned to their homeland during the Covid-19 pandemic. Their number or how many of them have decided to stay in the country after the crisis remains unknown as there are no statistics. Either way, we have reason to believe that a..

11.06.23 23:20 |

Urgent measures to save agriculture expected from new cabinet

Today is the first working day of the new regular government and this is perhaps a time for all sectors of the Bulgarian economy to heave a sigh of relief. Indeed, one reason is that the limited powers of any caretaker government largely..

07.06.23 12:46 |

Rose Festival in Kazanluk celebrates 120th anniversary

Spring has so far been cool this year which will push back rose picking – in the Valley or Roses around the towns of Kazanluk and Karlovo it only started a week ago. Usually, rose picking begins at the end of May, and its start is celebrated with..

02.06.23 14:13 |
Turnava village

The legend of miraculous healing on Spasovden

May 25 is marked as Spasovden , or Ascension Day. It is a moveable feast, always falling on Thursday 39 days after the first day of Easter. According to Christian belief, on the 40 th day Jesus Christ ascended to heaven which marked the end of his..

25.05.23 10:16 |

"O'Pismenech" - a fabulous story about the evolution of writing and letters

Are you still wondering whether "the mouse will eat the book," i.e., whether interest in books and their mission to carry wisdom through the ages will end one day. Well, the answer to that question is “Absolutely Not”." Books will never be..

23.05.23 13:17 |
Georgi Gospodinov and Bianca Bellová

Talented Czech writer Bianca Bellová has preserved her link to Bulgaria

Bianca Bellová is recognized as one of the most successful and widely read contemporary Czech writers and she herself is proud of her Bulgarian origin and says that every reader could detect a Bulgarian thread in her novels. Many..

17.05.23 18:40 |