Радиопрограмите, които може да чуете:
• Започва копродукцията „Радио без граници”. Разговор с проф. Миглена Тодорова, преподавател в Департамента по социология към Института за изследвания в областта на образованието към университета в Торонто и ръководител на проекта от канадска страна.
• Радиопрограма „Култура на протест” на студента Адам Сейфър.
• Радиопрограма „Художествената галерия на Онтарио: Прозорец към душата на канадското общество” на М. Тодорова, М. Антоненко, В. Чонг, Дж. Хамфри и Н. Пападопулус.
• Радиопрограма „Статичен” на Криштоф Ракуч от университета в Торонто.
• Радиопрограма „Една канадска история” на Сина Тронг от университета в Торонто.
• Радиопрограма „Мултикултурализмът в храната” на Натали Кафман от университета в Торонто.
• Радиопрограма „Една канадска история на имигрантите: „Ричърд се среща с Туан” на Ашли Досън от университета в Торонто.
• Радиопрограма „Гръм” на Мишел Алтирери от университета в Торонто.
• Радиопрограма „Коя съм аз?“ на Тоджо Бойо от университета в Торонто.
• Радиопрограма „Карибана” на Амбика Сукрам от университета в Торонто.
• Радиопрограма „Социалните протести в Торонто” на Мелани Уилсън от университета в Торонто.
Borderless Radio*: The Multicultural Society Today
How do historical processes and social relations shape the arts and cultures of contemporary multicultural societies, such as Canada? What does it mean to live in a culturally diverse society where cultural, racial, linguistic or religious difference is the norm? Graduate students led by Prof. Miglena Todorova in the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto seek answers to these questions in short radio programs produced under the project „Borderless Radio”.
Artefir is starting a new rubric jointly with the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education in Canada featuring these student radio programs which are produced especially for the Bulgarian radio audiences. The rubric uses the experiences of Canada- one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world - to open a discussion about the „multicultural society” in Canada, Bulgaria and elsewhere; a discussion that fosters a broader, historicized and globalized understanding of „culture” (and arts) as shaped by social, political, ethnic and racial relations that transcend local and national boundaries.
The student radio programs which you can hear:
• Opening the co-production „Borderless Radio. A discussion with Prof. Miglena Todorova who is the author of the project. Todorova teaches in the Department of Sociology and Equity Studies in the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto.
• Culture of protest - a radio program by Adam Saifer, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.
• The Art Gallery of Ontario: A Window to the Soul of Canadian Society, a radio program written and produced by M. Todorova, M. Antonenko, V. Choung, J. Humphrey, and N. Papadopoulos.
• Static a radio program written and produced by Krzysztof Rakuc, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.
• A Canadian story, radio program written and produced by Sina Huong, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.
• The Multiculturalism of Food”, а radio program written and produced by Natalie Kauffman, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.
• A Canadian Immigration Story „Richard Meets Thuan”, а radio program written and produced by Ashley Dawson, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.
• Thunder, а radio program written and produced by Michelle Altieri, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.
• Who Am I?, а radio program written and produced by Toju Maria Boyo, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.
• Caribana, а radio program written and produced by Ambeika Sukhram, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.
• Social protests in Toronto, а radio program written and produced by Melanie Willson, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.
*(Borderless Radio is funded partially by the Government of Canada and the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Canada)
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